Author: blankadmin

How To Set Up A Virtual Environment – Part 1

If you’ve never used a virtual machine or VM before, you’re missing out. Particularly if you’re […]

The BS of Development

I don’t know what to call this. I’m sure some Paul Graham or Jonathan Blow or […]

How do I set up a web server?

There are various answers to this question, and it all depends what you want. I’m going […]

Combo Dropdown / Input Text / Search Filter Input Element

Ok…that title is a mouthful. But I have no idea how else to describe this element. […]

Recursive Expandable/Collapsible Menu in Vue.js

If you’ll forgive the crude styling of the Codepen above, I’d like to go over a […]

Nothing groundbreaking but-

A function to convert RGB values to Hex And a function that does the opposite, Hex […]

The quickest way (I know of) to edit and test your CSS

If you’ve ever found yourself in the loop of: Edit CSS Save CSS Reload page If […]